a little piece of the cosmos

in a chocolate

Island-grown ~ Woman-owned ~ Handcrafted in small batches

Honoring ancient traditions where chocolate is medicine

These intention-infused, prayer-filled cacao experiences are centered around the ancient Mayan cosmovision.

Our chocolates are made with local Big Island, Hawaii organic small farm cacao, local organic small farm ethical honey, a variety of divine organic heart-opening, mood-boosting & spiritually-enhancing herbs and inner fire-boosting spices, sacred Ecuadorian cacao paste, organic coconut oil, organic cacao butter, love & a whole lotta Reiki.

Always with prayers. Always with divine guidance & ancestral wisdom. Always without sugar.

Each chocolate carries the energy of the powerful day in the Mayan calendar on which it was crafted. These Nahuales, or sacred energies, reverberate through the cacao and act as a guide to transport you into your higher self’s purpose for the day, for the week, for the era.

Are you ready to step into your divine higher purpose?

Ix Cacao

The Goddess Behind ‘

Goddess Cacao’

We are named after Ix Cacao, the powerful Mayan goddess of the cacao tree. As cacao is a sacred Mayan medicine, and as our founder studied and trained under ancient indigenous Mayan lineages and traditions surrounding this delicious plant, it is a very fitting origin.

Ix Cacao is present in the very first creation myths the Mayans have. She was the first to give the gift of agriculture to humans. She is the goddess of abundance, creation, fertility, and Pachamama/Mother Earth. She is called upon to promote good harvest. She is a fierce protector and guardian of cacao, of the medicine so cherished and worshipped in Mayan history it is known as the Food of the Gods:: the plant that was given to humans as a gift so our minds may rise to the level of the cosmos, so that we may know true divinity and true enlightenment comparable to that which the gods experience themselves.

Ix Cacao is kind, gentle, loving and yet also fiercely strong and protective. She reminds us to be abundant, to be grateful, to cherish the Earth and to be open and ready to receive the endless gifts she wants to give us— and to be fierce and dedicated to our conviction to the universe, to our higher selves, to our greater purpose, and to Spirit.

Enjoy your little piece of the cosmos with your divine Goddess-blessed chocolate.

~ Photo: Ix Cacao by Kishi Bay Ceramics ~


Gratitude & Respect for Indigenous Wisdom

As beings who make ceremonial cacao paste, cosmic chocolate bars, and ones who walk a devoted and sacred path with Mama Cacao, we are humbled by the indigenous roots that this plant medicine comes from. We are honored by the tribes and communities that have chosen to share their traditions, knowledge and practices with us, and we know that without their openness, love and kindness, the Western world would not have the relationship with Mama Cacao that we do, nor the privilege to be as close to her as we now can be.

We find it incredibly important to donate to indigenous cacao farmers & wisdom keepers in Latin America:: to the tribes that keep the ancient Mayan spirit of cacao alive. To the first and most resilient Guardians of Cacao. The ones who pass on the sacred ancestral wisdom to the West with love and pure intention, so that all beings and all people may become a bridge together to dissolve separation and heal collective consciousness. If you feel called, we invite you to give back a little of your gratitude, too.

~ Click below to view different causes and communities that you can support, put together by SNEHA; an amazing organization that works hard to support indigenous cacao farmers & medicine leaders, and to link their world to ours in harmony & healing.