The Mayan Cosmovision + Calendar

In the Mayan Cosmovision, every day has a different unique powerful energy that influences how we feel, and what we can draw our power from. These energies move in a symbiotic pattern through the calendar.

Every batch of cosmic chocolate we make carries the specific potency of the powerful day in the Mayan calendar on which it was crafted.

These Nahuales, or sacred energies, reverberate through the cacao and act as a guide to transport you into your higher self’s purpose for the day, for the week, for the era.

Find the energy you’ve been basking in + empowered by with your specific batch of chocolate below.

Lavender Malin Lavender Malin


Tijax is the Mayan nahuale of the obsidian knife. It is a sign of cutting away what we do not need, what no longer serves us, in order to make way for the things that do.

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Lavender Malin Lavender Malin


Ix is the energy of the Jaguar, and of Mother Earth. Ix is a divine feminine sign, and its energy is very motherly, but in a fierce and warrior way: Ix is the mother that protects and fights for her children, the Mama Bear that won’t let anything harm her loved ones.

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Lavender Malin Lavender Malin


Imox represents the divine waters of this Earth. It is a day we give offerings to bodies of water, and a day when we are encouraged to sit and reflect on the deep healing that water invokes within us.

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Lavender Malin Lavender Malin


Kame is the Mayan nahuale of Death and Rebirth. It is the sign of transformation. It is a day full of potent alchemy of the soul.

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Lavender Malin Lavender Malin

7 Kej

Kej is the nahuale representing nature, the wilderness and the divine masculine. It is the energy of the strong, majestic deer, standing over his kingdom, surveying the land below, viewing his accomplishments and the great heights to which he has reached.

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Lavender Malin Lavender Malin

9 B’atz

B’atz is the Mayan sign that represents the weaver, the artist, & the divine creatrix. The master artisan. Today is about the art and the mastership of creating and weaving your own reality.

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Lavender Malin Lavender Malin

8 No’j

The Mayan sign of No’j is the sign of powerful decision making. It is about the superpower of thought and logic that we possess in our brains.

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There are 2o Nahuales and 13 symbolic numbers that simultaneously move through the calendar.

The Nahuales are the energetic bodies & spirit guides that shape our day: the messages we receive, the things we experience, the actions we take or bypass, the states of mind we encounter, and the empowerment we can seek from it.

The numbers represent the path we are moving through the realms and planes of existence— 1 being the most grounded in & linked to the physical realm, 13 being the farthest into the spirit world we can go. The movement of the numbers form a pyramid; 7 creates the perfect peak, and 8 begins our descent downward into the underworld.

Each individual has their own personal Nahuale + number that helps define who you are; it is the number & energy you were born under. Studying your Mayan astrology sign can assist you in further expanding your truest self and stepping deeper onto your higher path.