
Tijax is the Mayan nahuale of the obsidian knife. It is a sign of cutting away what we do not need, what no longer serves us, in order to make way for the things that do. Tijax is about clearing your energy field from shadows and from past patterns and energies that are holding you back. It is about discernment. It can be a very intense and strong sign, for today things will come up that will force you to face what has been suppressed. Hard situations and decisions may come up as the cosmos are encouraging you to let go and move forward, for your spirit’s highest good. Tijax is also the sign of the healer and the holy warrior, cutting away anything that is out of balance, detoxifying and cleansing, showing us things for what they really are, and reminding us what we need to do to be our best, our purest, our highest selves.

Tijax can be a fierce cord-cutting, or it can be a gentle release. It can be a warrior slashing through energetic foes, or a healer carefully coaxing bacteria out of a wound. If you surrender, if you are willing to accept spirit’s help with your own energetic spring cleaning, then everything you don’t need will fall away smoothly, and everything you do will be ready, waiting to embrace you, just around the corner.

We are alchemizing today, transforming, and transmuting, sending away what doesn’t serve us in order to make space for what does.

:: I let go of everything that does not serve me. I surrender to the divine plan that my higher self has for me. I release what is holding me back and call forth the things that will heal me, empower me and propel me forward. ::

Read more about Tijax and the Mayan calendar here.

