4 Aq’ab’al ~ November 27, 2021

Today in the Mayan calendar, it is the day of 4 Aq’ab’al. Aq’ab’al is the nahuale of renewal and blossoming. It is a good day to reflect on any seeds you would like to water, and the particular ways you will nourish them to blossom. The way we breathe life into our projects and new chapters today, the way we handle them and care for them and how we feed them, will have a direct impact on how they grow and thrive into towering, abundant plants.

Aq’ab’al is a wonderful sign with which to begin a new endeavor. It is a day to bring our dreams out of the spiritual realm and manifest them into physical form. It is the sign of the dawn, of the light beginning to come in, the clear sky and the potential for a beautiful day to arrive. It is a clean and fresh slate, and the excitement that begins with the day, the thrill we feel at the prospect of creating an entirely new reality today.

There are 13 numbers that move through the days of a tracena, or cycle: 1 is the number that is the most attached to the physical plane, while 13 is the one most tied to the spirit realm, or the other dimensions. Think of 1-6 as a journey through the mortal world, and 8-13 as the journey into the Underworld. 4 is a very stable number, a day that is grounded in the physical realm, where we are able to build and create solid foundations. It is a number of prosperity and community. Yet we are beginning our climb up the pyramid into the spiritual realm as well; 4 is a good balance between the Earthly realms and the otherworldly, metaphysical dimensions.

Today is a day of clarity. It is a day to reach a hand into our dreams and manifestations and pull a piece into the world around us, to begin to create the reality we desire.

:: Everything I am dreaming of is solidifying into the material realm. Everything I am hoping for is coming true. Everything I am calling in is already here. ::

Read more about 4 Aq’ab’al and the Mayan calendar here.


2 B’atz ~ April 4, 2022


9 Iq ~ February 19, 2021