8 No’j

~ April 10, 2022 ~

The Mayan sign of No’j is the sign of powerful decision making. It is about the superpower of thought and logic that we possess in our brains. When we combine it with the number 8 — a number of wholeness, stability, and of the full cycle of the soul — it creates the beautiful energies of higher perspective and resolution. 8 No’j is a day where we can see the big picture, our current mission/goals/projects from above, from an eye-opening bird’s eye view, and we have the courage and ability to take the right next step. No’j is the problem solver: it is a sign for conceptualizing big ideas that help the bigger picture. It is a day for divination.

There are 13 numbers that move through the days of a tracena, or cycle: 1 is the number that is the most attached to the physical plane, while 13 is the one most tied to the spirit realm, or the other dimensions. Think of 1-6 as a journey through the mortal world, and 8-13 as the journey into the Underworld. 8 is when we can view the whole spectrum of our journey so far, and we begin to walk deeper into our purpose as we descend into the spirit world and see everything for what truly lies underneath.

:: All the tools needed to find a solution are within. I can resolve any issue or situation. I have the answers to what I seek. ::

Read more about 8 No’j and the Mayan calendar here.


9 B’atz


2 B’atz ~ April 4, 2022